General Dentistry

Keep Your Mouth Healthy With General Dentistry

At the office of Neil R. Cornell, DDS, we offer comprehensive dentistry for your whole family. That means we have plenty of treatments for almost any dental problem. That can involve some specialized care like dental implants or Invisalign, but it also includes more general dental treatments as well.

Q: Why Do I Need To Come In For Cleanings And Exams Twice Each Year?
Q: What Is Gum Disease?
Q: Are Fluoride And Sealants Still Used?
Q: Why Does A Dentist Offer Nutritional Counseling?
Q: What Is Dry Mouth?

Q: Why Do I Need To Come In For Cleanings And Exams Twice Each Year?

You should be brushing and flossing at home regularly, so doesn’t that help prevent cavities? It certainly does, but without the professional training and tools that Dr. Cornell has, you just cannot get your teeth properly clean. Plus, because early detection is so important for keeping problems small and manageable, our cleanings include a thorough exam with digital X-rays and a visual inspection for oral cancer. Afterward, you can discuss the results with Dr. Cornell and create a plan to address them. This way, you can treat problems before they become severe and expensive to handle.

Q: What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is when your gums are attacked by harmful bacteria. When they irritate your gums, this is called gingivitis. When they get into and infect your gums, it’s called periodontitis. Either way, we can use a deep cleaning treatment called root planing and scaling to help prevent the disease. We also offer Arestin time-release antibiotic treatments if your gums have started to pull away from your teeth. If you see any signs of gum disease, such as gums that bleed or are swollen, tell Dr. Cornell. If not treated, gum disease can cause your teeth to fall out.

Q: Are Fluoride And Sealants Still Used?

Fluoride is great for your teeth in the right dose. It actually repairs microscopic problems in your enamel. However, too much can be unhealthy. At our Tulsa, OK dental office, we can offer professional-strength fluoride treatments and varnishes that only a dentist can provide. Sealants are a material we place on the biting surface of your teeth. It fills in any grooves, making it easier to clean and more difficult for bacteria to live there.

Q: Why Does A Dentist Offer Nutritional Counseling?

Everything you eat and drink goes past your teeth. That means it can easily impact your dental health. For example, we all know that too much sugar is bad for your teeth. But did you know carbohydrates are bad too because carbs are really just another form of sugar? Or that the acid in sugarless sodas can damage your enamel? Dr. Cornell can offer nutritional counseling to help determine the best foods and drinks for your continued dental health.

Q: What Is Dry Mouth?

Some patients don’t produce enough saliva, leaving their mouth and tongue feeling too dry. Though it feels uncomfortable, the real problem is that dry mouth can lead to bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. Dr. Cornell can offer Biotène® to help stop dry mouth.

With our general dentistry treatments, we can help your teeth stay healthy. Call us or email us today to schedule your next appointment.